I was driving through town yesterday when I saw something that made my heart race and my palms sweat. It was a handwritten sign with my favorite two words (next to "ice" + "cream") scrawled on it with black magic marker ...
I know I need more stuff like I need a hole in my head, but I had to stop ... I just had to! I mean what's a card carrying, old stuff-loving, Mama Hen suppose to do? Pass up an opportunity for the chance to procure some vintage-y goodness? I think not.
The Geek insisted our "new" trailer needed this bad boy.
Gosh, I love that man ... he loves old things as much I do. Good thing too, 'cuz neither one of us is getting any younger :)
"An archeologist is the best husband any woman can have: the older she gets, the more interested he is in her."
Agatha Christie
Time to invite that chicken for Sunday dinner.
Yeah, I do believe I may have mentioned that possibility to Boy Wonder upon discovering the damage that blasted chicken had done :) We're still getting glass out of the piano keys (the milk glass had been sitting on the piano)!!!!
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