How did this..

become this?
Today I became the mama of a teenager Yikes! I guess that's what happens when you blink ;) When I had Boy Wonder I had fantasies about what being a mother was going to be like. It didn't take long to realize that the life I dreamed of and the life I got were not one in the same. Thank You God! Parenting a child like my boy may not have been exactly the path I envisioned, but it's the one I have been blessed with. I am so thankful God has given me this handsome, complex, intelligent, and absolutely awesome child to love.
I am proud of you and the man you are becoming. Your faith in God is a light to others. Your unique view on the world refreshes me. You are gifted in so many ways, I can only imagine what God has in store for you. I pray that He will bless you today and always. You're my best!
Gasp! So big! He was SO little! daughter is double digits's CRAZY!!! Happy Birthday to your boy! :)
Aw, thanks for the birthday wishes. They really do grow up fast ... he was just over 7 lbs. and 21 inches @ birth and now he's a lean 140-something and closing in on 6 ft. It's so wierd to have to look up at my "little sweet peanut"!
Happy Birthday to Boy Wonder. You're going to love having a teenager around. They have a way of questioning everything which if you're open to it will cause you to question too. We have some strange expectations of our young people, but I don't see you or Boy Wonder fitting into someone elses mold. Again Happy Birthday to Boy Wonder and his parents.
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