Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer School

One of the questions we've been asked alot lately is, "Are you done with school for the summer?"  The short answer is no.  See, the Geek and I kinda approach this whole homeschooling gig as a 24/7, 365 day a year adventure. Teachable moments happen all the time (which is true whether you home school or send your children to a "brick and mortar" school, if you really think about it) and we have learned to not just embrace them, but actively seek them. 

This past weekend was no exception.  We went for a ride to see the area where the Geek's extended family ("greats" and "great-greats", if you will) had lived.  Our final destination was to take a peek at the one room schoolhouse many of them had attended.

The school had been moved to a park along with several other historic buildings.  When we got there, we were pleasantly surprised to find the park grounds "inhabited" by an encampment of re-enactors  They were portraying the life of the Voyageurs --- fur traders of the 18th and early 19th centuries.  Viola!  A teachable moment!

We unloaded the the chicklets from the family truckster and spent a couple of hours learning hands on what it was like to be a Voyageur ... something we could never do from just reading a book ... and had a great time.  The Munchkin played traditional games from the time period.

They learned alot about the fur trade and got a chance use period tools to make wooden buttons.

Even the Little Prince enjoyed himself.

We can hardly wait for our next adventure!

1 comment:

Jill said...

How serendipitous!

Aside from our physics and chemistry sets, no camps, just looking for interesting opportunities.