Sunday, May 29, 2011

This Weekend's To Do List

It's the first holiday weekend of the summer season and I thought I'd bore you with share my to-do list.

Sort clothes.
We have waaaaaaaay to many clothes.  With the exception of the Little Prince, we have clothes coming out the wazoo.  I mean really, how many fleece pull-overs does one person need?  At last check, Boy Wonder had 10.  All except maybe 2 were gifts, so of course we felt obligated to keep them.  Notice the emphasis on felt.  But times they are a-changing.  We are going through some major shifts here on the farm and one of the biggies is donating clothes we no longer need.  It's hard to get rid of perfectly good clothes, but donating them to the local thrift store makes it a bit easier on the ol' conscience.  Besides, if we are honest, we pretty much wear our favorites and the rest just gather dust... so what's the point in keeping them?

Wash clothes.
The amount of laundry this family creates never ceases to amaze me.  I guess I shouldn't be too surprised ... five people's worth of dirty clothes gathering for five days... or six or seven (keeping it real here folks) does add up.  Not to mention towels...I am thinking a "towel reduction program" may be what this brood needs! Incidentally, I am looking forward to using my clotheslines that the Geek so sweetly installed for me (if only the rain would let up for a bit).  I just love the smell of lined-dried clothes!

Clean house.
This actually shouldn't take too long since I have been doing a pretty decent job of keeping up on my home keeping duties as of late.  It got a bit carried away from me for a while and  I'll be the first to admit, this is my weakest point.   I mean,  I am so not a domestic goddess.  I want to be, but it has always seemed to be just not in the cards.  My lack of housekeeping skills combined with three chicks that left paths of destruction in their wake made for a really bad situation.  But recently a change occurred here on the farm.  I don't know what to credit it to besides answered prayers, but my brood suddenly began to do a much better job of cleaning up after themselves.  It has helped me keep everything a lot more tidy and I couldn't be happier about it.

Welcome house guests.
Every year for the past 20+ years, my parents have come and spent the summer with us (they live in Florida the rest of the year).  They used to spend three to four weeks with us, but as they have gotten older, their visits have gotten longer.  This year we expect them to stay for close to six months.  Some people have asked the Geek and I how we do it, and you know what, we just do.  They are pretty easy going people and they adore my chicklets and I just think about what a wonderful opportunity we have been blessed with for making memories that will last a lifetime.

Hit a garage sale or two.
We soooo don't need a single thing, but it's always fun to look and maybe find a treasure:)  We had to drive into town today and I managed to convince the Geek to let me hop out of the family truckster for just a quick peek at a sale on the front lawn of a big old Victorian house on Main Street.  I'm so glad I did 'cuz I  am now the proud owner of two beautiful hand-embroidered full-size coverlets. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a decent full picture of either of them, but here's a few of the details up close.  Mind you neither one has any holes or stains and theres just a couple of loose threads here and there to reknot.

I think this one's my favorite of the two...

But this one's pretty too!

I almost felt guilty buying them ... they were definitely underpriced.  Can you believe I only paid five dollars for 'em?  I can't wait to put one on the guest bed for my parents and on my own for the summer.  The Munchkin informed me she has her eye on one for her bed when we finally get around to completing her room ... hopefully later this summer (considering how things have been going, though, I'm thinking don't hold your breath baby girl!) These beauties are so much lighter than the comforters currently on the beds right now and they just call out "summer on the farm" to me :)

Take time to remember freedom isn't free.
We'll be rounding up the brood and heading to a local Memorial Day parade on Monday.  It's just a small town event, but the impact is a big one.  Hearing the veteran's speeches and Taps being played at the little country cemetery, drives home how blessed we are by the sacrifices made by others.

So what about you?  Any big plans for the holiday weekend?  I pray that whatever you do, it's a safe one for you and yours!


Jill Briggs said...

Have I ever told you, I know why we're friends???? Too many clothes too, I do at least two loads every day and can't get caught up. I sooo want to win "the maids" from Regis & Kelly. But, then we differ--my guest room is in the basement.....
Good luck with that this year.

Pamela said...

ooooh "the maids" ... don't get to see that show, but I get the idea I too want to win "the maids":)
So good talking to you today, sorry we got cut short...but hey maybe we can talk in person sometime this summer.