First off wanted to share a random picture of my chicklets before church last Sunday. It wasn't easy getting four people up and ready on time .... okay, we may have been a
My man rocks!
The Geek gave me the most awesome surprise. Yesterday the UPS man dropped off a package just for me. My sweet man had bought me a new laptop computer! My old netbook's keyboard had stopped working so for the last few month's I have had to use either an onscreen keyboard (which took up most of the netbook's tiny screen space) or a big ol' external keyboard. Let's just say the whole set up was considerably wonky and I may or may not have whined
Meaningful Words.
I subscribe to several online newsletters. I regularly receive a couple of homeschooling ones, a writing one or two and even a few craft idea ones to get my creative juices flowing. They are all good reads, but my very favorite ones by far are a daily devotional and motivational (for lack of a better word) that grace my inbox every morning. It is very rarely that their messages do not strike a chord with me. I am a firm believer in "God-instances" and these two are often just that. Time after time they tell me just what I need to hear just when I need to hear it ... sometimes whether it's what I want to hear or not.
Today was no exception. Boy Wonder and I have been butting heads more often than not as of late. Oh the joys of puberty! It seems like the instant I speak to him ... his eyes roll and he lets out a disgusted grunt or two. My first instinct (and I'm not proud of it) has been to let him have it. Of course more eye rolling ensues and the evil cycle continues as I feel even more compelled to let him know just how wrong his response is, not to mention reminding him just who's the boss around here. As you can imagine, it ain't pretty folks and this is definitely not one of my stellar parenting moments in time. It just so happens that today's Girlfriend's in God devotion was about a familiar Bible passage,
“There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under
…a time to be silent and a time to speak,”
Ecclesiastes 3:1,7
Speaking of growth, I love the Brave Girls "A Little Bird Told Me..." emails. They are the perfect cheerleader for me during my journey to discovering just what this ol' bird is made of. Today's edition was about being comfortable with the "new you". It really hit home for me. I am where I am today because, if I am truthful, I let myself go. I kinda let myself "fall asleep at the wheel" and let life take over and did a lot of settling. I'm waking up now and taking back control. It's not easy, sometimes it's downright scary, but it has to be done if I want to survive. It's easy to doubt myself and wonder if I'm doing the right thing here. Enter today's second "God-instance" and the Brave Girls email. It truly resonated with me and my current situation especially these lines:
It's frightening to think about how life might change if we
embrace our real,
authentic, fantastic self; relationships might change,
our job might change, the
way we live each moment
often changes when we
stop living on auto-pilot, when we
stop settling
for what showed up somewhere along the way.
It will be ok. Come on out of that cocoon and show the world your wings.
Brave Girls "A Little Birdie Told Me"
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