Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Baby It's Cold Outside!

 So when you're cold

From the inside out
And don't know what to do,
Remember love and friendship, 
And warmth will come to you.
Stephen Cosgrove, Gnome from Nome

Like most of the nation, the ol' farmstead is experiencing a deep freeze.

Exhibit A
It is just too cold to do much else besides cozy up next to a warm fire.

Exhibit B
Or much to my chicklets' (and the Geek's) delight --- start actually making one of the 734 desserts I have pinned on Pinterest.

Exhibit C
This delectable treat earned me a whole lotta "Mama Hen of the Year" points and are definitely on my list of go to comfort foods from here on out.

Stay warm people!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Word of the Year 2014

It is truly said. It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide what to do.
Chow Ching

 I don't make New Year's resolutions.  They just don't work for me.  I much prefer the idea of choosing a word to signify your goals and directions for the new year.  My word for 2014?


I am (ahem) a bit out of shape --- and I don't just mean physically.   I have a gym membership and a list of excuses why I didn't get there as often as I should have in 2013.  My brain may or may not be a bit muddled and could use a little stretching too.  Sadly it's  been a while since I gave my Bible a workout and my relationships could always benefit from a little strengthening.  Well, I have decided there is no time like the present to shape things up.  2014 is the year I embrace the word strengthen and how it applies to my body, my mind, my spirit and my relationships.

My body.
I plan to strengthen my body  through exercise and better nutrition.  Maybe I'll even kick my soda habit once and for all --- maybe.

My mind.
plan to strengthen my mind through continuing to stretch and learn new things.  The chicklets need to learn a foreign language (or two) --- that means I will to.  It's not much, but its something --- I have always wanted to learn to bake bread and make my own pie crust. This is the year I challenge myself to do it.

My spirit.
My faith could use a tune up.  I have "the big stuff" pretty well down pat --- but my walk could be so much easier if I just spent more time in prayer and devotion.

My relationships.
The Geek and I are pretty close, but we still let life steal our time together away.  We went on some dates this year for pretty much the first time since we became parents.  We had so much fun and it made me realize how much strength I get from spending time "alone together".

As a homeschooling family, my chicklets collectively get to see me everyday, but rarely do I spend time purposely alone with each of them.  I would like to change that in 2014 and try to make more time for one on one time with my kiddos.  Boy Wonder will be flying the coop in a few short years and I don't want any regrets of time lost.

Friendships are easy to take for granted.  I want to work to make that not happen with those special people God has blessed me with during this season of my life.  

We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. Carlos Castaneda